Monday, August 31, 2015

Thoughts on Clojure, Page Two

WTF? You didn't mention Clojure at all!

Perhaps after my prior “six months” post people were expecting more vitriol. Or adulation. Sorry to disappoint.

I really can't find much to say about the language itself, positive or negative. I'm not turned off by the number of parentheses, because I simply see them as doing double duty; “C-family” languages split the job with braces. I find prefix notation somewhat hard to read, coming from an English-language subject-verb-object background, but that's easily solved by making lots of helper functions. Parameter ordering in the standard library seems haphazard, and there are some edges to the sequence abstraction that I stumble over. But overall, meh.

So rather than write about the language itself, I decided to write about attitudes. I was prompted by the book that I used to learn the language. Overall, I think it's a good book, and I'd recommend it to someone learning the language (and I still use it). But the authors are a little too focused on the word “concise.” At one point (table 9-1), they compare Java to Clojure and make the claim that Clojure is “certainly more concise” than Java, even though almost all of their examples use the same characters — just re-arranged. Examples like this perpetuate the stereotype of the “smug LISP weenie.”

I can understand why LISP was considered revolutionary back in the 1970s and 1980s. There was a generation of programmers that learned BASIC on a DEC mini, and I can imagine them going off to college and seeing a whole new world: scoped variables! first-class functions! dynamic dispatch! structuring a program as list transformations!

Actually, I don't have to imagine that, I was part of that generation. I happened to go to a college that focused on strong typing and provably correct programs, with PL/1 as the implementation language. Which is one reason why my degree, when it finally came, was in History and not Computer Science.

But that was then, this is now, and most mainstream languages have features that were once revolutionary. Indeed, one of the reasons that Clojure exists is that it leverages the JVM, which natively supports the garbage collection and dynamic dispatch that underly any LISP implementation. But those same features are also available for Java.

So, to proclaim Clojure “better” due to its language constructs seems to me as misguided as proclaiming HP calculators better because they had RPN.

That said, I think there is something revolutionary happening in the Clojure community, and that's the view that program state must be considered in relation to time. That, to me, has far more relevance than whether you use braces or parentheses, or where you put the operator.

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