Thursday, September 10, 2009

Building a Wishlist Service: External Libraries

One of the great things about developing Java applications is the wealth of open-source libraries available. The Jakarta Commons libraries have been part of every project that I've done over the past five years; you can find StringUtils.isEmpty() in almost all text manipulation code that I write.

However, the wealth of open-source libraries presents a paradox of choice: which libraries do you use for a project. Each library adds to the memory footprint of your project, either directly as classes are loaded, or indirectly as the JVM memory-maps the library's JAR. External libraries also make dependency management in your build more complex, in some cases forcing you to build the library locally.

More important, every library represents a form of lock-in: once your code is written to conform to the library, it will be expensive to change. And if you discover a bug or missing feature, you'll need to develop a remediation plan. Even if you can code a patch, it will take time to integrate with the mainline code — assuming that it is accepted. In some cases you may find yourself maintaining a private fork of the library over several public releases.

All of which is to say: use open source, but pick your libraries carefully.

In the cases of the product list service, one of the places where I considered external libraries was XML management, in particular conversion between XML and Java beans. There are lots of libraries that handle this: XMLBeans and XStream are two that are commonly used, and the JDK provides its own serialization and deserialization classes as part of the java.beans package.

Of these, XStream seemed to be the best choice: XmlBeans requires a separate pre-compile step, while the JDK's serialization format would require a lot of work on the part of any non-Java client. However, I had another alternative: I am the administrator and main developer on Practical XML, an open-source library for XML manipulation. It didn't support XML-object conversion, but I also had some converter classes that I'd written before XStream became popular. I figured that it would take a minimal amount of work to flesh out those classes and integrate them into the library.

I have an incentive to evolve the Practical XML library, and to use it in all of my projects. However, adding this functionality introduced a two week diversion into my project. In this case the delay didn't matter: I have no hard deadlines on this project. And since I was already using the library in other places, I had the benefit of consistency and reduced footprint. Faced with an unmovable ship date, my decision would have been different.

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