Friday, November 6, 2009


I have an admission to make: it wasn't until October 1999 that I truly “got” object-oriented programming. Perhaps that doesn't seem like a big admission, but consider this: I had been programming in C++ since 1990, and had been reading articles on object-oriented programming since the mid-1980s.

Oh, sure, at one level I understood why objects were better than procedural code. When I read Stroustrup's introduction to The C++ Programming Language, I understood and agreed with his ideas of modularization via objects. By then, structured programming and layered design were in the mainstream, and objects seemed a simple way to accomplish those goals. And, working in the financial industry, I had many examples of polymorphic behavior (all securities have a price, but that price means something very different if you're talking about stocks, bonds, or options).

But it never gelled. Although I replaced struct with class, carefully considered the public/private divide, and compiled using a C++ compiler, I continued to refer to my self as a “C programmer.” In fact, my resume doesn't mention C++ (although that's more because C++ has come a long way since I stopped using it).

In October 1999, I joined an existing Java project — my first real use of the language. And one day, looking at the output from a parser generator, it clicked: polymorphism wasn't about three classes that exposed the same set of methods, it was about 150 classes, each of which used different data to drive the same method. Since that time, I've had a clear division in my mind between classes that provide behavior, and classes that hold (and expose) data.

Most “business” applications, however, revolve around data, not behavior. If you're writing online trading software, your use of polymorphism is limited to calculating the value of a position; something else displays that value. And that something else tends to be written in a procedural style: get this piece of data, do something to it, get the next piece of data.

There have been a lot of approaches to making such processing “more object-oriented,” from the Visitor pattern to mandates that all data be accessed via getters and setters. And to be sure, there are benefits from these techniques, particularly if you come up with a clean way to encapsulate business rules.

I think that “clean” is the real problem. Business rules tend to me more exception than rule, having evolved over time, changing to suit the needs of the moment, and involving inter-locking relationships between different sources of data. In that world, “tell, don't ask” is a lot more difficult than “ask and decide.”

(which, as I'm proofing this, strikes me as an example of Conway's law in action — but that's a topic for another post)

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