Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Taming Maven: Dependency Management

Once you have a parent POM, you can add a <dependencyManagement> section. In my view, it's often more trouble than its worth (in fact, this blog series started out as a single post suggesting properties were usually a better choice). In the worst case, a dependency management section can prevent your child builds from seeing new dependencies. There are, however, some cases where it is useful to prevent Maven from using unwanted transitive dependencies.

For those who haven't seen <dependencyManagement> in use, here's an abbreviated example:


With the dependency version specified in the parent's dependency management section, it can be omitted in the child's <dependencies>:


If that was all there was to it, there would be very little reason to use a dependency management section, versus defining version properties in the parent — it might actually be a net increase in the size of your POMs. But dependency management goes a bit deeper: it will override the transitive dependencies associated with your direct dependencies. This bears further examination.

If you use the Spring framework, you know that it's broken into lots of pieces. You don't need to specify all of these as direct dependencies, because each component brings along transitive dependencies (I haven't verified this, but I think spring-mvc the only direct dependency you need for a Spring web-app).

Now consider the case where the parent POM has a dependency management section that lists all of the Spring components, and gives them version 3.0.4.RELEASE, while a child uses version 3.1.1.RELEASE, and just specifies spring-webmvc as a direct dependency. When Maven builds the child and retrieves transitive dependencies, it will ignore the 3.1.1.RELEASE implied by the direct dependency, and instead load the 3.0.4.RELEASE versions specified by the parent.

This is rarely a Good Thing. Sometimes it won't cause an actual bug: if you are using features of the new version that haven't changed since the old version, you have nothing to worry about. But more often, you'll get a NoSuchMethodError thrown at runtime. Or worse, the method is present but does something unexpected. These sorts of bugs can be incredibly painful to track down.

Version properties, of course, go a long way toward keeping these errors from occurring. But some projects will need to specify their own version properties, often because they're trying out some new functionality.

There is, however, one case where a dependency management section is useful: excluding transitive dependencies. Again using Spring as an example: it will use either commons-logging or SLF4J for its internal logging; at runtime, it figures out which is available. However, as of this writing (version 3.1.2.RELEASE), spring-core has a non-optional transitive dependency on commons-logging. Which means that your program will also have a transitive dependency on commons-logging — and if your program is a web-app, you'll find commons-logging in its deployed WAR whether you want it or not.

Perhaps some day the Spring developers will change the scope of this dependency to provided. Until then, if you don't want commons-logging you need to manually break the transitive dependency with an exclusion:


Without a dependency management section in the parent POM, you would have to repeat that exclusion in every project POM. Miss just one, and the transitive dependency appears. Move the exclusion into the parent's dependency management section, and it applies to all children. Of course, this locks down the version number; any child projects that need a different version must specify a direct dependency on spring-core.

Bottom line: don't use a <dependencyManagement> section unless you absolutely have to. And even then, keep it as small as you possibly can.

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