Thursday, August 2, 2012

Taming Maven: A Local Repository Server

While Maven's automatic dependency retrieval is a great feature, it does have limitations. And one of the biggest of those limitations is Maven's ability to access local projects. Or, really, any projects that aren't found in the Maven Central repository.

Returning to the archetypal IT department of my previous posts, it's really painful if, before you can start working on your own project, you first have to check-out and build multiple dependent projects. Worse is if those dependencies are under development, and you have to rebuild on a regular basis.

The first part of eliminating that pain is to run a local repository server. This server is a place to deploy your local builds, including any third-party software or local patches you've made to open source software. It can also act as a proxy for Maven Central and other external repositories, protecting you from Internet outages and keeping your POMs free of <repositories> entries.

You can create a Maven repository server using a bare-bones Apache web-server: all you need to do is make sure that its document root follows the repository format. However, there are better options: Nexus and Artifactory are both purpose-built servers for managing Maven artifacts, and both come in open-source variants that you can run for free. If you don't have a local machine, or don't want the hassle of administering it, Artifactory provides cloud hosting of your repository (for a fee). Sonatype doesn't go quite that far, instead providing a pre-built EC2 image (hopefully updated since that post).

Once you've got the repository server running, you need to configure Maven to access it. The simplest approach is to add your local server as a mirror for Maven Central, as described here. Note that you can not simply add a <repositories> entry to your parent POM, as you need to deploy that POM to the repository server.

Now you face the question of how to deploy your builds. Both Nexus and Artifactory give you a web interface to manually upload artifacts, but it's far easier to use the Maven deploy goal to deploy directly from your build (using an HTTP connection to the server). Of course, that raises the issue of credentials: do you give each developer his/her own credentials (which are stored in $HOME/.m2/settings.xml), or use a single set of credentials for all?

I'm in favor of the latter: use one set of credentials, stored either in each user's personal settings file, or in the global settings file. While that may make some people cringe, the security risk is non-existent: the repository server is write-only, and it will control where you write. As long as you don't pass out the actual admin login, or use SCP to deploy, the worst a disgruntled ex-employee can do is upload new builds.

And even that that minor risk can be eliminated if your developers never have to type “deploy” — and they'd be happier too. Instead, set up a continuous integration server that examines your source repository for changes and automatically builds and deploys the changed projects. At least for snapshot builds, this ensures that all of your developers will be using the latest codebase, without any manual intervention whatsoever.

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